Sculptures and Figurines
All LALIQUE items are, for the whole world, manufactured in Wingen-sur-Moder France. One cultivates there the tradition of this priceless know-how. Transmitted since generations, it has forged the identity and the memory of each creation. Our Manufacture is proud to count among its artists “Meilleurs Ouvriers de France”.
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CRYSTAL SCULPTURES LALIQUE, All LALIQUE items are, for the whole world, manufactured in Wingen-sur-Moder France. One cultivates there the tradition of this priceless know-how. Transmitted since generations, it has forged the identity and the memory of each creation. Our Manufacture is proud to count among its artists “Meilleurs Ouvriers de France”. This distinction is acquired at the end of a national contest taking place every 3 years, where they are evaluated by their peers on a research task and an artwork, showing their talent. These must express their dexterity, their evolutive technical skills, their creativity, their mastery of both modern techniques and traditional methods.
With much humbleness, our glass Masters are proud of their Lalique know-how. They make some the tools they works with and take up old gestures, transmitted from generation to generation, the same instruments to gather the molten crystal.
This amazing choreography is made of blowing, whirling and measured gestures. It is a question of taming the matter, calming the molten crystal, to define a shape and give life to the item.
The company’s seven MOF artisans have several things in common. They all have a passion for their craft, strive for perfection themselves and like to test their skills. They are equally motivated. Last but not least, they all have a competitive streak! The MOF challenge represents an investment time-wise. For the “Class of 2015”, two to three years elapsed between the moment when they entered the competition and the certificate award ceremony at the Sorbonne, followed by a reception at the Presidential Elysée Palace on July 6, 2015.
Eric Harter and Matthieu Muller both won MOF status last year. They competed in the same category (sculpture-engraving) and presented the same piece. Carved from a 40 kg block of crystal, the figure that earned them the title, which represents a fox, is impressive for its realism, strength and beauty.