A decorative object, the fragrance bottle is highly desired object for collectors. We propose collections from Lalique as well as Daum, in addition a series of hand crafted crystal.


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CRYSTAL PERFUME BOTTLES, A decorative object, the fragrance bottle is highly desired object for collectors. We propose collections from Lalique as well as Daum, in addition a series of hand crafted crystal.

LALIQUE: In 1905, François Coty proposed to René Lalique to use his technical skill and artistic talent in the perfume industry. René Lalique first created for Coty, then for Roger & Gallet, Forvil, Houbigant, Gabilla, Molyneux, D’Orsay, Molinard, Worth, and many other famous perfume makers in the 20’s and 30’s. Bottles whose designs evoked the fragrances they contained.

DAUM: Unique fragrance bottles, created in the Daum workshop. The “pâte de cristal” breathes life into the material. Daum bottles mix colourless crystal and “pâte de cristal” for an astonishing result.