A decorative object, the fragrance bottle is highly desired object for collectors. We propose collections from Lalique as well as Daum perfume bottles, in addition a series of hand crafted crystal.

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CRYSTAL PERFUME BOTTLES – LALIQUE – DAUM – BACCARAT, A decorative object, the fragrance bottle is highly desired object for collectors. We propose collections from Lalique as well as Daum perfume bottle, in addition a series of hand crafted crystal.

LALIQUE: In 1905, François Coty proposed to René Lalique to use his technical skill and artistic talent in the perfume industry. René Lalique first created for Coty, then for Roger & Gallet, Forvil, Houbigant, Gabilla, Molyneux, D’Orsay, Molinard, Worth, and many other famous perfume makers in the 20’s and 30’s. Bottles whose designs evoked the fragrances they contained.

DAUM: Unique fragrance bottles, created in the Daum workshop. The “pâte de cristal” breathes life into the material. Daum bottles mix colourless crystal and “pâte de cristal” for an astonishing result.

Obscure preparers of the raw material, designers, glass-makers, moulders, sculptors, engravers… they all contribute improving their production, using ancient techniques to conserve the true qualities of the crystal: purity, sonority, regularity and luminosity.

Vessière Cristaux – before 130 years of activity in Baccarat – remains the international ambassador of the crystal’s city which represents a security guarantee thanks to a rigorous selection of our crystals. A high-quality after-sales service, open 7 days a week, a breakage insurance for each delivery, a blog about our news, a loyalty programme and a personalised customer follow-up, that is what distinguishes our House since 1882.